Princesse de personne
Detailed schedule
Available for touring in 21-22
By Pascale Renaud-Hébert
A Théâtre Catapulte production
Creative Team
Written by: Pascale Renaud-Hébert
Directed by: Danielle Le Saux-Farmer
Dramaturgy consultant: Mathieu Leroux
Sound design: Nick Di Gaetano
Costumes: Judy De Boer
Set design: John Doucet
Lighting: Chantal Labonté
Stage manager at creation: Katie Rochford
Production managers: Kyle Ahluwalia and Sophie Ducharme
With: To be announced
A princess is pretty, obliging, loving, generous, smiling, and delicate. She laughs, paints, sings, and dances. A princess is always well-coiffed and made-up, even in her sleep.
A princess is patient.
A prince will come.
Won’t he?
No, he probably won’t.
Three friends prepare for Halloween. Simone is disguised as a princess, and only asks to be loved. Eugénie rejects the “princess” concept, which reeks of patriarchy and symbolizes a weak woman who waits for a man to save her. Then there’s Philippe, who would like to be the armed and virile hunter his costume so clearly suggests. While the three friends party in an abandoned mansion in the depths of a mysterious forest, a network of vines begins to grow, eventually blocking the house’s only exit… Princesse de personne reaches its teenage audience through humor, raising questions pertaining to social and gender norms, as well as consent.