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Grand public
90 min.

Detailed schedule

Date Heure Location
3 May 2023 07 h 30 La Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins
4 May 2023 07 h 30
5 May 2023 07 h 30
6 May 2023 04 h 00

Text Ivan Viripaev
Director Manolis Antoniou

Production Théâtre Catapulte

Creative Team

Text Ivan Viripaev
Translations into French Tania Moguilevskaia and Gilles Morel, into English Cazimir Liske
Directed by Manolis Antoniou
Set design Kévin Pinvidic
Lighting Emilio Sebastiao
Lighting assistant Florence Letarte
Costumes Charlotte Richer
Stage manager Dominique Payer

Cast Marika Karlsson, Gabrielle Brunet-Poirier, Matt Miwa et François Édouard Bernier

What is true love? Who has been in love with whom? Who is telling the truth?

Four narrators with different mother tongues tell us the story of two married couples. It all starts with a forty-year-old man on his deathbed who declares his love for his wife. But this “all” is not what it seems. Colored by their accents, the language becomes collaborative and builds a fresco of love in all its truth and illusion.

Through the perspective of Manolis Antoniou, a multilingual director of Greek origin, monologues addressed directly to the audience, with no other artifice than the voice, the gaze and the truth of the four performers, weave four love stories that become one. A tangled journey of death, loyalty and chaos, truth and fiction. All these performers ask of the audience is to listen.

Some passages will move you, and others are more sensitive. Please be advised.

This is a bilingual show (French and English).